70 Sunderland Drive, Banksia Beach QLD 4507

SLBC Men’s Selection Policy for Representative Games

• Responsible for selecting the Men’s Club representative teams.
• Must select teams based on the Club’s playing principles.
• Understand and apply the Selection Criteria Policy.
• Knowledge of the players involved in the selection process.
• Always be independent and fair.
• Be accountable for decisions taken in the performance of the selection responsibilities.
• Will consist of:
    • Three (3) current club members who have been appointed at the SLBC AGM, as per current bylaws.
    • An independent selector appointed by the three selectors.

All representative teams will:
    • Be selected in line with the overall principle of this policy.
    • Select the best possible team to win the event for which they are selected.

Focus on all round performance, looking at all aspects of play, that is, forehand, backhand and conversion.

Players will be selected based on their ability to perform at the following events:
    • Club Men’s Championships (singles, pairs, triples, and fours).
    • District/Zone/State events.
    • Club Men’s Carnivals.
    • Attendance and performance at social bowls events.
    • Selection trials.
    • A player has no particular right to be selected by virtue of any particular performance.
    • There is no automatic right to selection.

This includes the players’ attitudes towards the Club, fellow players, and members of
the Club. This will focus on the effort at training and match days, the timeliness of attendance
and their contribution to team spirit performance.

The focus will be on teams being balanced, and this may mean selection changes.

Players should maintain an appropriate level of fitness to the level of bowls they are

Attendance or non-attendance at training sessions will be considered when
selections are made.

All players must be financial members at the close of nominations for that event to be
eligible for selection.


• Abide by BA and Club Code of Conduct on and off the field.
• Implement team player behavior.
• Be familiar with and accept the Selection Policy.


• Selected teams will be posted on the Club noticeboard and Club website.
• A notice will be placed on the Club noticeboard, prior to teams being announced, advising players of the date teams will be displayed.

In the event a selected player becomes unavailable after selection:
    • The Selection Committee will decide upon replacement players.
    • Injured or unfit players will be replaced as necessary.
    • If a selected player is unable to play, the player who has taken their place, if warranted, will retain their spot.

As per the Club Constitution and Code of Conduct, players will be replaced in a team for
disciplinary reasons, providing the following procedure is adhered to:
    • First offence – the player will be given an official warning from the Selection Committee Chairperson.
    • Second offence – player to be given official warning in writing from the Selection Committee Chairperson.
    • Third offence – players are notified in writing from the Selection Committee Chairperson, that they are no longer required as a member of the relevant team.
The level of infringement shall be decided by the Selection Committee, which may result in an instant third offence, suspension from the club or criminal charges. For example, throwing the mat in anger may result in a first offence. Assaulting a player may result in an instant third offence.

• Players have 24 hours to appeal the selection decision.
• The appeal should be made in writing and directed to the Selection Committee.
• Schedule a time for the Selection Committee to meet with the player.
• Individual selectors will not meet with the player – refer player to scheduled meeting time.
• Refer to Selection criteria and point out where the player didn’t qualify.
• Point out players’ strengths and identify qualities selectors regard favorably.
• Communicate in writing, the outcome of the review committee.
• The Selection Committee’s decision will be final.